Thursday, 28 May 2009

Men and Women.. who is better?..

Well the answer depends on who gives it.. for men.. of course they are better.. for women.. of course they are better.. and of course both the answers are biased.. we should ask someone/something as to which side is better.. but who can give a completely unbiased answer.. unluckily no-one... May be artificial intelligence.. but would/n't the opinions of the robot be skewed towards the opinions of the creator.. or the trainer..

I guess everyone thinks they are better than the rest because only they know their real strengths and they can easily see the weakness of others..

Men rule the world.. that is usually the argument they give when they cant say anything more.. what they forget is that women created it.. nurtured it.. there is no world without people and none could have come into this planet without the women.. so its a bit like asking who is more important -- the owner of a company .. or the CEO.. [:D] .. Again.. it seems that men have better spatial abilities and women have better management skills.. so then aren't the current CEOs inadequately skilled..[ :D]..

Then they complain that women can't do anything right.. the fault also lies with those inefficient stupid women who don't do what they are supposed to do properly.. but then do u blame the women or the men who employed them looking at not their skills but something else.. so there is a selection bias.. then do you blame the society for keeping a lot of women at home who have the right skills but are not allowed to work.. or do you blame those women for accepting what the society tells them to do instead of rebelling.. or do you blame the parents of those women who trained them to be so submissive since the time they were born.. or the generation before that..

At the end if a girl is successful, the men around her would say.. she is an exception.. I guess even when 50% of the female population becomes successful, the men would still call them anomalies..[:D].. But then again.. why should the women care as to what men think?.. why should we be good at what they think is important?.. we should just be good at what we enjoy doing.. [:D].. if we enjoy having kids and raising them well instead of building a bridge or setting up a computer.. why cant we just do that.. at the end of the day.. we can build a bridge or make a computer if we really want to.. but then the men can't really have kids.. even if they want to.. [:D].. so may be we should just enjoy our privilege..[ :D].. and let them think what ever they want..[:D]..

Men are physically stronger.. thts true.. and its good.. means we have someone to shift our furniture when we have to move.. but if there weren't any men around to help us out.. wouldn't we move by ourselves?... but its good to have someone strong around.. to open jars and bottles.. and then decision making.. men make it quicker.... doesn't mean they do it right.. [:D].. they just make a decision and stick to it and are ready to face the consequences.. don't the women also do that when they have to.. if you have to choose between A and B and you have no other go.. everyone can do that.. and when the consequences come.. you just have to face it.. there is no other go.. most of the time.. if there is a man around.. he just assumes that the women wouldn't want to take the decision and imposes what he thinks.. and since the women are trained to be submissive.. they hardly rebel .. or even if they rebel.. the guy doesn't care.. coz the guy is trained to make decisions and believe in his decisions and where as the women are trained to doubt their decisions even if they are allowed to make any.. training of the society..

Then there are hormonal differences.. of course testosterone helps you handle physical/mental stress better.. and estrogen apparently makes your more vulnerable to stress... But men and women have different hormones for reasons.. evolution just looks at what is needed for successful production of the next generation.. and the truth is that .. that is the only reason for which the two groups need each other.. :D.. and they both are equally important.. one can't do without the other.. for everything else.. they are fine without the other side.. and its true.. the other side makes life more fun and entertaining..[:D]...

talking of entertainment.. my friend asked me a question long back.. If I were to choose between men and computers.. I'm allowed to have only one for the rest of my life.. what would I choose? .. I said computers of course.. and I asked the question back to him.. women or computers.. and he said computers.. [:D].. so yeah.. men dont need women and women dont need men.. we just need computers.. [:D]...

Life is good.. and people are funny.. [:D]..

Ps1:.. This is a completely biased post.. of course.. and my views might change with time.. depending on my experiences and knowledge.. anyway.. this is what I think at the moment..

Ps2:.. I'm not a Feminist..