Thursday 20 November 2008

The other side...

We have been hearing about the increased rate of piracy near Somalian coast for a while now.. A lot of countries have sent their Navy to protect the sea route.. Two days back, a massive Saudi Arabian oil tanker was hijacked, for which apparently they are asking a ransom of $25m.. The pirates also hijacked a Ukrainian ship with military cargo (MV Faina) about 1.5 months back... Russia, Somalia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States, and NATO are trying to recover the ship...

Reading this makes you think about why these people became pirates.. And here is an interesting post I found about it..,1518,582513,00.html

I am not supporting piracy.. but I guess.. when there is too much poverty, corruption and other trying to make use of your terrible situation.. even normal people turn into "criminals"..

Another interesting part of the story was the illegal arms deal.. which just shows as to how the rest of the world makes use of the unstable situation in Africa.. which through one direction they support and provide aid.. they also supply weapons to keep the war going.. I guess Africa is going to see the light only when they stop killing each other and cheating their own people to help the richer nations and finally start helping themselves..

On a lighter side.. I thought that the whole story would make a good movie plot.. action, thriller..

Enough for today..


Ps: Sorry.. not exactly in a mood to write.. but this story has been in my mind for the past few days.. so just wanted to make you read it..

Sunday 2 November 2008

My first ...

Journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.. So here is my first step.. Lets see how far it goes.. [:D]... I have been wanting to start a blog for about a few weeks now.. I don't know how it got into my head.. The first one to hit me was Rakesh's blogs (a few years back..).. But he is a Kavi.. [:D].. and I am not.. so I thought it was not my kind of a thing.. Now-a-days I have too much free time in my hands.. [Since I have 3 years to finish my PhD].. And I think up too much crap.. So this is going to be my dumping ground.. "to clear up my attic".. [:D] (apparently thats from Holmes.. Thanks Sands.. haven't read it for ages..)..

Now off to clean my room.. will be back later..

Ciao.. (My new favourite ever since I arrived in the middle of Italians... )